Tuesday 22 January 2019

Where Did Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Start?

Most of us, at some point in our lives will succumb to some kind of muscular issue which requires rehabilitation physiotherapy. The thing is that this type of medicine has been around for many years, and can be enormously helpful in dealing with many ailments that might not immediately spring to mind. In short, it's a way for individuals to restore and maintain physical independence. It's not just for those with acute ailments either, and can be used as a preventative measure.

Hippocrates, it is believed, was amongst the first practitioners of the treatment. Rehabilitation physiotherapy is a gentle form of manipulation, and has been a separate professional strata of medicine since the early 1800's. Massage, manipulation and exercise form the basis of the treatment, with traction being a key element of many types of rehabilitation physiotherapy.

Surprisingly for many, physio is used for the rehabilitation of cardiopulmonary patients for whom effective blood circulation is essential. This type of therapy primarily deals with increasing endurance and functional independence. It makes sense that ease of movement will lead to greater levels of exercise.

Similarly, there is a specific branch of rehabilitation physiotherapy that is concerned solely with the elderly, namely geriatric this encompasses many illnesses commonly linked to the older generation such as arthritis, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's. Things like hip replacements and heart problems can often stop rehab. These can be overcome well with physio.

Neurological issues can also be aided by rehabilitation physiotherapy. Disorders such as Parkinson's, cerebral palsy and MS can all be aided to some extent by physio, which trains the muscles as much as possible to aid in independence for those afflicted with these disorders.

It's probably the issues around orthopedic complaints that are best known in the physio world. Sporting injuries and any kind of damage to the musculoskeletal system can be helped immensely with the addition of regular physiotherapy. We all know someone who has been helped by physio to some degree, particularly after damage to some part of the body. Pediatric and inegumentary physio are less well know aspects of the science, and are concerned with early detection of health issues and skin issues. What many people aren't aware of is that the lymphatic system which circulates fluids just under your skin, is hugely important to your well being, and without gentle movement, it can slow to damaging levels. Pretty much any type of physio will help this as well as other related issues.

So physio isn't just for beefy rugby players who have suffered a knock, but there are specific branches of it to deal with a majority of ailments that we can all suffer, whether we're young or old. You should look to rehabilitation physiotherapy to deal with a large number of disorders, and isn't a treatment that involves any pain.

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