Thursday 23 August 2018

If you like to talk to people and make a difference in a person’s life by finding them a job and career, then a recruiter job is one of the most fulfilling occupations one can have. It would be even better for a recruiter to work freelance, so they can enjoy the freedom and still stay employed with pretty decent income.

Being in the recruitment industry for so many years, mentoring and training people to become super recruiters has been a passion and a source of enjoyment for me. In turn, seeing those people enjoying life, family, and financial freedom are the rewards I have achieved for the past few years.

These types of “2-hour” weekly jobs are a highly sought after lifestyle; so much so that many people are discovering that such “jobs” are proving to be somewhat of a dead end.

Anyhow, let me introduce the lifestyle of the “2-Hour Work Week Freelance Recruiter:”

Monday – Use Email marketing to reach 10,000 candidates, asking them if they are looking for a job (5 minutes).

Tuesday – Attend to replies from candidates via e-mails, and filter their CVs based on category. Reply to each of them to arrange a meeting on Skype for personal profiling (20 minutes).

Wednesday – Skype interview and profiling with three candidates (40 minutes).

Thursday – E-mails sent to 20,000 companies regarding the three profiles (5 minutes).

Friday – Attend to replies from companies and arrange interviews for three candidates (50 minutes).

The following week those three cases are closed in just two hours of work.

Total sales generated – Based on a $3,000 salary and charging 100% of the 1st month’s salary, a total of $9,000 is earned.

Total potential sales for the month = $9,000 a week x 4 weeks = $36,000 a month. Commission earned? More than enough to have a very interesting lifestyle…

This is the lifestyle of the Freelance Recruiters that I train and mentor. The difference between this and a normal consultant is that the Freelance Recruiter’s “style” is different, their approach is different, there is no visiting of clients, and no asking for job orders or even job descriptions.

Such an approach is not being used in any recruitment agency simply because it does not exist. They either do not know how to do so, or they do not have the technology and database for it.

Many people, even with the database and the technology, are still not able to “copy” what I have taught the “Elites” because they do not have that X factor. The X factor is defined as: eliminating fears with a strong belief, a strong gut feeling, and the ability to adapt to ultimate openness in anything I showed to them.

Success is not about copying; it is about innovation. One method used only works in the first round. If it is used in the second round, people will get used to it, and by the third round it will become stale. This is why many formulas out there do not work after some time.

I train people how to adapt, change, and innovate. Using the “2-hour work week” concept, one can enjoy the lifestyle of having time with your family, enjoying life, and achieving personal financial freedom.

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